Attaining Excellence – creating culture that enables pupils and staff to excel.
Attain Academy Partnership is committed to the promotion and facilitation of career long professional learning and collaborative practice development. Leaders in Attain share a desire for all staff to progress, enrich, develop and enhance their practice, expertise, knowledge, skills and professional values.
Above all, we wish to support leaders and teachers to develop as reflective, accomplished, adaptive and enquiring professionals within an ever-evolving educational context.
To achieve this vision, we have developed the Attaining Excellence staff development framework.
It is underpinned by a Professional Standards Framework which sets out aspirational standards of excellence for all leaders and staff, including support staff. Underpinned by self-evaluation, it ensures every member of staff takes ownership of their personal professional development.
Alongside this sits the Staff Development Statement which outlines the Trust’s commitment to providing development for its staff and a description of the range of opportunities the Trust provides.
It also includes a Career Progression Matrix, reflecting the Trust’s commitment to identifying and nurturing potential.
Every member of staff also has a Personal Professional Portfolio to support and record their professional learning journey.