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Mrs Edom-Baker 2018(edit)

CEO's Welcome

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to Attain Academy Partnership. I am delighted to be CEO of Attain and director of the Chelmsford Teaching School Alliance (CTSA) and it is wonderful to work with talented and conscientious staff and trustees who have the outcomes for all our children at heart.

The dedicated staff, governors and trustees across all of our schools form a team, which is creative, collaborative and supportive of one another, enabling the sharing of expertise and opportunities for outstanding professional development. 

Attain Academy Partnership is so-named because we believe that committed, co-operative, professional partnerships will secure the best outcomes for all pupils in the future. Attain is committed to delivering high quality educational provision across all our academies whilst reflecting and responding to the individual needs of local communities. Our aim in all our schools is to ensure that every child is a happy and successful learner, a confident individual and a responsible citizen who is able to develop their skills, abilities, talents and interests in order to fulfil their true potential and achieve what they want to do.

Our ethos is to grow a collaboration of schools that work together with a shared desire to be innovative, inclusive and inspirational.

If you feel that Attain Academy Partnership connects with your values I would be pleased to hear from you about how our trust can support your school. I look forward to meeting you.

Susannah Edom-Baker
Chief Executive Officer


Creativity and Excellence

Our vision is to create a community of outstanding schools with the highest aspiration and dedication to achieving the best outcomes for all our learners



Annual Arts Festival

The Trust aims for all its schools to become more environmentally sustainable and to empower our children with an understanding of their relationship with the environment and how their choices and actions can support sustainable living. The Attain Annual Arts festival 2024 themed ‘Protect our Planet’ not only showcased the incredible performance talent across our schools but also delivered a powerful message about environmental stewardship.



Join Us

In our trust, it is never a ‘one size fits all approach. Each school has a curriculum designed by the teachers with the support of educational experts, to ensure the learning is appropriate and relevant for each school's children. We take account of the expectations of the National Curriculum and then develop, enhance and adapt to create learning that is inspirational, creative and deep.  

Each school’s website explains in more detail the intent which underpins their curriculum and gives more detail about each subject. 


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